In our life, health and safety plays an important role to live happy, pro-active life style. If you take an example of a person who is rich and have all the comforts in the life with amenities but unhealthy and illness in his life. Then it becomes curse and the person may feel that his life is not worth living due to living an unhealthy lifestyle.
There is an importance of health in life.
The worlds civilization is getting advanced in a rapid pace with science and technology in every path of life. The domestic, private, industries, road ways, railways, mining and all most in every sector safety plays a vital role.

Industry Scenarios
The worlds economy is linked with industries, technology and there is an increased range of complexities in the production processes and large numbers of harmful substances, materials, additives and various form of energies. It is very challenging to save lives of the people and property. The scenarios of the under developed and developed countries are worst than the developed countries. The underdeveloped countries are adopting the technologies, industry processes and mode of transports with least preparation and adoption of protective measures. So, the number of accidents and incidents gradually increases which cause sufferings and deaths as well which is unsustainable.
Adopting OSH discipline
There is an evolution of OSH standards in the wake of social, political, technological and economical changes. The worlds economy has been globalized, due to which there is a force of change in the world of work. The OSH may be explained as the science of anticipation, evaluation, recognition and control of hazards arising from the work place that could impact the health and well-being of the workers or employees. The multi-disciplinary is needed the most and to be implemented at all the sectors in the organization that creates a composite OSH system for the organization. So that the protection can be extended to the employees, workers, surrounding people and environment.

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For the protection of workers and employees against sickness, diseases, injury / accident at the work site, labour welfare statutes have been enacted and national and international laws has been enforced. The OSH is the key element for achieving sustained decent working conditions and maintaining a strong preventive safety culture.